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OYM wants to challenge Youth Church Leaders to Rethink how you do youth ministry in order to reach the youth spiritually, emotionally, socially and academically, creating a Well Rounded Teen.

Here are some ways:

How can the church meet the needs of our youth Spiritually? 
Make them part of service
Incorporate interactive Bible Games during morning service
Youth activities
Really having a heart for youth
Loving on them (hugs & kisses)
Praying with the youth not only for the youth

How can the church meet the needs of our youth Emotionally?
One on One time to really get to know them
Build relationships and try to understand them without judgment
Know leaders testimony to refer youth to them
Get youth ideas and input on activities
Stop and speak to youth and ask how they are doing and really mean it
Don’t gossip, especially what the youth share with you

How can the church meet the needs of our youth Socially?
Fellowships to meet new people/friends (examples Skating,Great America, Laser tag)
Feeding the homeless
Go up to Children’s hospital
Give back to the less fortunate
Art sessions which build their skills and let their creativity show
Visit other churches-i.e. youth programs
Let the youth give ideas
Get the youth involved
Attend Gospel Concerts
Homework Club
Attend retreats
Being consistent
Set-up Facebook page for youth group (let the youth post questions)

How can the church meet the needs of our youth Academically?
Teach developing a relationship with Jesus
Provide resources
Develop reward system
Meet kids where they are at and tell them where you expect them to go
Create an after school program
Become student advocates at school sometimes the youth need someone on their side

Our Youth Matter is available to teach workshops and seminars at your church. Send us a message or call (510) 473 -OYM (696)

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